MEITY Quantum Computing
Applications Lab (QCAL)

Call For Proposals

Aligned to the objectives above, proposals are invited from researchers that will be evaluated to offer Quantum computing credits. Suggested areas for proposals are as follows. The proposals should clearly call out the computation requirements and support sought. Each proposal will be evaluated by a committee of experts, and credits will be offered subject to the recommendations of the committee.
  • Fundamental aspects of quantum computation and quantum information.
  • Exploration and building of quantum algorithms which test cases established with quantum simulators and run them in quantum hardware.
  • Quantum machine learning.
  • Optimization problems across industries including telecommunications, supply chain logistics, and financial services etc.
  • Simulation of quantum systems with case-studies in broad applications e.g., design of new materials and catalysts, drug discovery, and the exploration of high-temperature superconductors.

Academicians, Scientists, Technologists and other practicing researchers from recognized academic, research institutions and registered scientific societies. The participant in this call are expected to write the proposals intune with the Quantum hardware technology and the Amazon Braket service.

As per evaluation process leveraging a Committee of Experts

1+1 years

The MeitY Quantum Computing Application Lab will provide approved projects with access to quantum computing hardware, simulators, and programming tools, on-demand and at no cost, via Amazon Braket, as per the estimated requirement. The granted AWS credits for Amazon Braket service for computing will allow researchers to explore and build quantum algorithms, test on quantum circuit simulators, and run them on different quantum hardware technologies. Currently Amazon Braket provides access to three major quantum computing hardware (For more details visit:
  • Rigetti - Gate-based superconducting qubits.
  • IONQ - Gate-based ion traps and.
  • Quantum machine learning.
  • DWave - Quantum annealing.

As part of the Quantum Computing application Lab, AWS is offering researcher technical support and credits for the use of Amazon Braket service to advance research on Quantum computing. After the evaluation of the proposal by technical review committee the researcher of the successful projects will awarded with AWS credit to instantly access virtually the AWS infrastructure along with Amazon Braket. The credit will be provided as per the scope of the project and the recommendations from the committee of experts.

  • There will be no allocation of funds to Institutes/research groups under this call for proposal
  • This call for proposal is limited to award free of cost access to quantum computing facility, as per point 8 above, for a certain period of time, basis estimates shared and the final decision of the committee of experts.

  • The Project proposals should have clear objectives, scope, outcome and quantifiable deliverables with specific milestones and time frame.
  • The proposals may be single or multi-institutional with well-defined milestones, deliverables, timelines and roles of individual institutions.
  • Researchers at accredited research institutions can apply for AWS Promotional Credit. Researchers are defined as: Full-time faculty at an accredited research institution, Full-time research staff at an accredited research institution
  • Collaboration between academia and industry is encouraged for transnational research. However, the AWS credits will be allocated to the academic institute only.
  • The proposals should clearly bring out AWS service requirements.
  • Important criterion for selection of a proposal, for further review, would be the promise, potential and evidence of new technology development leading to prototypes, proof of concepts in the above focus areas and its delivery.
  • Full CV of the PI (Principal Investigator)/Co-PI including research publication, citation, H-index, experience in the relevant area must be included in the proposal so that due weightage would be given. CV should be provided as per the standard format mentioned. (Refer Annexure A)M
  • Each proposal proposed by PI & Co-PI should mention about the stage of maturity of their relevant labs, at this point in time, so that the expectations of the time required in obtaining results from that lab can be clearly understood.
  • For more information, details and info on this programme, visit and for any queries, contact e-mail ID
  • Project proposal in the standard application format (as attached Annexure A), should be sent to the designated email ID, by only the PI, duly forwarded by the Head of the Institution (Cover Letter- refer Annexure A).

  • TStep I: The proposals compliant with the template will only be reviewed.
  • Step II: All the compliant proposals will further be evaluated based on the evaluation criteria.
  • Step III: The shortlisted proposals may be called for a presentation (Online mode only) to a committee of experts
  • It may kindly be noted that only shortlisted proposals will be intimated about the status.
  • Any proposal at any stage of review/evaluation process can be asked to submit more details (if required).

Sr. Activities Timeline
i Announcement T0 = September 03, 2021
ii Submission of queries (if any) T0 + 10 days
iii Last date for submission T0 + 30 days
iv Evaluation of proposals T0 + 45 days
v Publication of results Based on evaluation